United States Congress
Data Dictionary of Legislative Documents

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Element Name: action–desc
Description: Description of the floor action taking place (i.e., introduction, committee referral, committee action, committee reporting, calendar placement).Formerly, the *I47 locator code.
Bills DTD Content Model: (#PCDATA | added–phrase | deleted–phrase | internal–xref | external–xref | fraction | superscript | subscript | omitted–text | linebreak | italic | quote | pagebreak | act–name | committee–name | cosponsor | sponsor | nonsponsor)*
Name: blank-lines-after
Value(s): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Default Value: 0
Name: display
Description: Determines if the element is visible or not.
Value(s): yes, no
Default Value: yes
Parent Elements:
  • action
  • endorsement