United States Congress
Data Dictionary of Legislative Documents

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Element Name: continuation–text
Description: Textual material belonging to a level, the text follows the sub-level
Bills DTD Content Model: (#PCDATA | added–phrase | deleted–phrase | internal–xref | external–xref | fraction | superscript | subscript | omitted–text | linebreak | italic | quote | pagebreak | act–name | definition | formula | header–in–text | committee–name | short–title | term | editorial | footnote | footnote–ref)*
Name: continuation-text-level
Description: This allows for the identification of the level to which the continuation-text belongs.
Value(s): section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, clause, subclause, item, subitem
Default Value: #IMPLIED
Parent Elements:
  • clause
  • item
  • paragraph
  • section
  • subclause
  • subitem
  • subparagraph
  • subsection