United States Congress
Data Dictionary of Legislative Documents

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Element Name: quoted–block
Description: Textual matter used to amend current law. Quoted block is so named because it is printed or displayed with quotation marks in front of each structural and non-structural level. (These quotation marks are generated for print or display; they are not part of the data.) The name “quoted block” is not meant to imply that the words within this element exist somewhere else and are being quoted. Rather, they signify text to be used to amend current law.

In print or display, quoted material usually takes on the style (margins, enumeration style, typographic style, etc.) of the document which is being amended. Thus, a bill in OLC style that is intended to modify United States Code, would put text that was to be inserted into the United States Code inside the quoted block (structure of legislation) and the words would print in USC style, with a quotation mark preceding each level. Other rules that apply to the specific style associated with the quoted-block also need to be applied. For example, when using USC style, section enumerators are preceded by a section symbol and a thin space rather than the word “Sec.”.

Note: Words displayed in quotation marks for emphasis or to indicate a speech are not considered to be quoted-block.
Bills DTD Content Model: ((account | appropriations–para | chapter | subdivision | division | subsection | paragraph | subparagraph | clause | subclause | item | subitem | part | section | subaccount | subchapter | subpart | subsubaccount | subsubsubaccount | subtitle | title | quoted–block | graphic | formula | toc | table | list | header | constitution–article | text)+, after–quoted–block)
Name: act-name
Description: This attribute will contain the name of the Act or Public Law that the quoted-block is affecting.
Value(s): CDATA
Default Value: #IMPLIED
Name: display-inline
Description: The display-inline attribute provides a mechanism to pull levels together in their display. Typically, this will be used when the enumerator needs to be combined (e.g., (a)(1)). Possible values are yes-display-inline and no-display-inline.
Value(s): yes-display-inline, no-display-inline
Default Value: no-display-inline
Name: id
Description: Unique name for the element so that it can be referenced.
Value(s): ID
Default Value: #REQUIRED
Name: other-style
Description: The name of a formatting style to be used for display purposes, other than those styles already specifically delineated, such as Tax Style or U.S. Code Style. When the value of the “style” attribute is “other”, this attribute names the style which is to be used for display purposes.
Value(s): archaic, hybrid, nuclear, Chapter-119, railroad-retirement
Default Value: #IMPLIED
Name: parsable-cite
Description: A “normalized” external citation string.
Value(s): CDATA
Default Value: #IMPLIED
Name: style
Description: Identifier for the style of format to be used for a measure, e.g., Office of Legislative Counsel style, Tax style, “Traditional” style, etc..
Value(s): appropriation, defense, OLC, nuclear, tax, traditional, USC, multiple-resolved-clause, order-of-business, concur-with-amendment, constitutional-amendment, impeachment, other
Default Value: OLC
Parent Elements:
  • clause
  • item
  • paragraph
  • quoted-block
  • section
  • subclause
  • subitem
  • subparagraph
  • subsection